Horoscopes – How Do They Work?
Astrology is an umbrella term for several different disciplines which claim to give detailed information about celestial events and human affairs on earth. It was invented by Carl Jung, who studied olfactory imprints left by ancient civilizations on their dead bodies. The belief is that we are deeply affected by our physical environment and can learn much about ourselves by studying nature. According to astrologers, an individual’s birth sign determines certain characteristics that he or she will most likely develop in the future. In turn, astrological charts are used to help individuals create astrological charts that will best reflect their character and potential future.
Astrology can be considered a pseudo-science that concerns itself with the study of heavenly bodies. The study of stars, the moon, the planets, and the sun can help us understand the physical and earthly laws that govern our daily lives. However, astrology is not an exact science and it cannot predict the exact movement of any celestial body. Instead, astrologers believe that the movements of heavenly bodies can affect human events on earth, and they attempt to relate these movements to earthly astrological patterns.
ASTROLOGY differs from other astrological approaches in that the person making the astrological chart does not decide what elements should be included or excluded in the chart. Instead, the astrologer charts out the movements of heavenly bodies using a set of principles. These principles are used to derive an abstract description of the future. Based on the analysis of these abstract patterns, astrologers make interpretations that interpret the effects of celestial bodies on human astrological chart movements. Some common elements found in astrology include the moon, the sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Neptune.
A popular method used to interpret the effects of planets on astrological charts is the effects of the sun and planets. The sun can be compared to the map of the heavens. Each house has a significant influence on the other houses, as well as the smaller world objects. For example, the largest planet, the sun, has a strong pull on the other terrestrial planets like Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. A person born under the star sign of Capricorn will find it more challenging to deal with the Sun’s influence than someone born under the sign of Aries.
Astrological charts can be used to understand the effects of celestial bodies on earth. In addition, astrologers have made detailed predictions about the future using celestial bodies. A good example is the prediction about the future of Jupiter and Mars. If Jupiter were to collide with Mars, or vice versa, it would definitely have a profound effect on the surface of Mars. Such predictions are made on a weekly basis by most astrologers.
Some other astrological concepts used by astrologers are lunar conjunctions, rulers of the planets, planetary movements, stellar parallax, and zodiac signs. A well-written astrology chart can predict a person’s future more accurately than can a horoscope alone. However, an accurate reading of a horoscope requires knowledge about both the past and present. Ancient Greek astrologers devised the system of planetary positions which were adopted and refined by the ancients in the ancient times.